
The continuously changing and high-intensity workout.

Crossfit workout

It is the year 2000 described the training methodology by which the train may each person, regardless of their physical fitness.

Amber CrossFit sports club in Vilnius will help to achieve sports goals, whether it be the first prisitraukimas, death thrust with his body weight, or walking on your hands. The sport does not have to be boring or monotonous – on the contrary, the sport should be fun, interesting and tailored for you!

The unique CrossFit workout, continuously updated and adapted to each Amber CrossFit atletui in accordance with the needs and opportunities, will help to quickly and efficiently begin to achieve their sports goals.

CrossFit workouts
the benefits

Professional and qualified trainers
Workout in a group of up to 14 people, ensuring the coaches attention to each workout a member
The changing and dynamic workout
Sports performance tracking and progress analysis
Upgraded motion technique
Measurable progress


Amber CrossFit club workout going by the Level Method training program. This program is unique in that you can offer training for the performance of variations of various capacity carbs. Much like the fighting stance used belt color system, so the Level Method is measured at different color levels. Twice a year, in autumn and in spring, we are strength, endurance and skills testing in 15 different exercises or exercise groups. This allows for each member to know their strengths and weaknesses, and assist in daily choosing the workout is currently being used weight or number of reps.

Constantly evolving

CrossFit workouts are changing on a daily basis. Daily workout (en. WOD) consists of different exercises, performed with different tools, different intensity and purpose.

You may have to run around the area, jump or climb on the boxes, jump with šokdyne, stand on your hands or do prisitraukimus. You may need to work with štangomis, dumbbell, dumbbells or liquid. CrossFit training methodology includes such disciplines as Gymnastics, athletics, Weightlifting, endurance sports, and various skills with your own body weight or other tools. And every day we maišome all of these disciplines to become ištvermingesni, stronger and generally pajėgesni than we were yesterday.

Amber CrossFit training program is not formed in a random way. Twice a year we perform all of its members strength, endurance and skill testing, which shows us the members of the progress and directs a training program in the right direction. All of our training, as well as each exercise can be adapted and adjusted in person in accordance with the members ‘ needs and opportunities.

Functional movements

Functional movements are movements that we make in everyday life, even without thinking. This movement, which we do several muscle groups help, nothing neizoliuodami.

Functional movements allows us to generate a lot of force and it through within a short time frame to move objects at a distance. We strive to move safely and effectively. CrossFit training to learn the movements and their technique will help in the training hall and will ensure a feel of the daily activities of: obtaining at home, playing with the children or sports with your friends.

High intensity

High intensity is the first thing you notes each new CrossFit athlete. This is also the thing itself first and prisijaukiname – stamina is treniruojama.

CrossFit training intensity directly related to the training efektyvumų. All of our workout pamatuojamos, making it very easy to keep track of your personal progress, which further motivates them to play sports and to move forward.


We invite all new members of the Amber CrossFit club to purchase a basic course, which you will take on the principle of personal training.


Intended for those who want to start exercising in group training
3 personal training sessions
Free body composition analysis
Individual training schedule
Goal setting session
Remaining month with Unlimited membership

The fastest way to connect


Intended for those who want to start exercising in group training
3 personal training sessions
Free body composition analysis
Individual training schedule
Goal setting session
Remaining month with Unlimited membership
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