Crossfit workout for all mothers and fathers who are in the gym want to travel together with a child.
Before the acquisition of the membership we invite you to come and try the first workout for free. We recommend that you register for the 10:00 hour workout because of its employment of the minimum.
Crossfit is our main activity. This weightlifting, gymnastics and endurance sports mix, which we do almost everything: asking štangas, mosuojame giromis, do prisitraukimus, run or irkluojame. But it should certainly not be frightened, absolutely every event, the intensity can be adjusted in accordance with the sportuojantį. Sports goal is to sveikatinti and strengthen, rather than drive away from your feet, so we though and no walks in the park level of the workouts, but it is for everyone 🙂 also takes into account the physiological changes after birth (no, no to additional riebaliuką on her stomach, and the nusilpusį pelvic bottom, diastazę and other challenges).
During training, children spend time in the area, together with the babysitter. And while our nanny a great helper to the supervision and in the puppies, but the most important for the children of their parents, so įsiverkus skatinam parents to pick up puppies near, that the children in our gym asocijuotųsi with good emocijom, and not apleistumo feeling. After all, the hope that sportuojančių parents example for children įskiepys love for the sport for life 🙂

Training time
9:00 a.m.
10:00 am.
With the membership you will be able to choose for themselves the right time. In one practice may participate in no more than 10 members, so registration of the workouts is a must. (registration for the training opens up to 72h prior to a workout for the beginning of the
With What age children can attend?
Children welcome all from a few months to a few years. These drills kids come in a specially equipped area, where they can monitor nanny and see sportuojantys parents. They always see their children and, if necessary, can help auklei.
If the child is restless and auklei fails to calm down, please, and his mother’s aid. So very please for all the mothers remain sąmoningomis and to help care for your child during practice.

Amber CrossFit monthly membership is automatically renewable and may be terminated without any further liability. It is important, on the termination of membership shall be informed 7 days prior to membership renewal. Of the disease or during the holidays, the membership can be braked us in advance about this information. Retroactive membership of the stop we can’t.
90 €
/ mėn.
100 €
/ mėn.
110 €
/ mėn.