Kids crossfit

With a workout in children and adolescents


Amber CrossFit child workout celebrate diversity and children’s involvement in sport and more active lifestyle.
Our training time children learn not only to move taisyklingiau, but they also learn new moves, which encourages the children to develop and to attend the workouts.
Child training we use the Level Method system, which our coaches help to assess each child’s opportunities, weaknesses and strengths of their locations. At the same time the children nupaišo a clear map of how to grow and pasigerinti the current results.
CrossFit for children-workout consists of gym workouts, CrossFit workouts, Snkiosios Athletics, and Mobility training.

Training benefits

Children are taught to move properly
Improved posture
Develop dexterity and co-ordination
Decreases possibility of injuries
Improving social skills

adapted for kids of all ages

Amber CrossFit for children and youth workout (CrossFit Kids 6-12 years and CrossFit Teens 13-17 years) adapted for kids of all ages.

This children’s workout is based on the principle that the most important thing is a regular movements of mechanics, consistency and then intensity.

Children are taught correct motion, which allows you to safely strengthen muscles, improve coordination, sporgstamąją strength and endurance.

Crossfit methodology

Amber CrossFit workout for teens focusing on the CrossFit training methodology.

With this workout membership of the young of our athletes, have the opportunity for our club to attend 2 or 3 times per week (potential and other options, contact separately).

Group workout

All Amber CrossFit child workout takes place in small groups, so the number of places is very limited. To these workouts anyone can join, however, before starting to play sports it is necessary to contact with us.

Inclusive and happy

Come to each child and try them interested more active way of life.


To ensure your child started attending CrossFit workouts, fill in the below form and we will contact you.

Before very welcome to come and try the Amber CrossFit children’s classes.

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Amber CrossFit
membership for children

Welcome to purchase You are interested in children CrossFit training membership. Available and other memberships options, contact info@

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1 kartas per savaitę
45 minučių trukmės treniruotė
Narystė galioja 1 mėnesį

Treniruotė vaikams x2

2 kartai per savaitę
45 minučių trukmės treniruotė
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Treniruotė vaikams x3

3 kartai per savaitę
45 minučių trukmės treniruotė
Narystė galioja 1 mėnesį

Vaikų unlimited

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45 minučių trukmės treniruotė
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