
Workout weightlifting action techniques to improve the

Learn and šlifuojam Weightlifting movements. The workout consists of a variety of classic exercises (extraction of teeth and pushing) variations and to support exercises such as: atkėlimai, squats, pressures etc.t

Extraction step

Rovimas – one of the two olympic weightlifting action that requires explosive power, coordination and technique. This is a fast and dynamic movement, during which the sunkiaatletis moves štangą from the floor to the full opening of the overhead in one continuous motion a chain.

Push event

Pushing – one of the two olympic weightlifting action, in which the strength, technique and stability is essential. This step consists of two phases: bench press atkėlimo by the shoulders and pushing over the head.

Pushing is a powerful and technical operation, requiring not only strength, but and accuracy, and balance.


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Intended for those who want to start exercising in group training
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