Amber Crossfit fitness club
We are an official CrossFit sports club in Vilnius. From 2016. provide the highest quality individual and group training services. Our activities based on world-class functional training standards, covering strength, endurance and body balance education.
Amber CrossFit training program is prepared specially to help reveal each of our potential. We believe that together we can create a healthy and strong community, unified around the love of sports and active lifestyle.
this is one of the most effective group training programs.
Amber CrossFit training program is designed and constantly adjusted according to individual needs. All of our club running workshops for any age and physical fitness of the people.
Amber CrossFit workout consists of weightlifting, gymnastics, exercises with body weight and cardio elements. Correct combination is a recipe to help You become a stronger, gražesniais and healthier.
Chalk It PRo
One of the cornerstones of CrossFit sport aspects are measurable results. For this purpose we use one of the most advanced systems – Chalk It Pro. After each workout, our members have saved their results can easily track your progress.
Chalk It Pro in the app we follow the daily workout and to record here the results. While the classes registruojamės with Amber CrossFit’ app.
Our dedicated coaching team consists of highly qualified CrossFit, mobility, gymnastics and weightlifting coaches. They are united by the love of sport, and a great desire to help You achieve goals, to teach the sport and live healthier.
Familiarize yourself with Amber CrossFit club team:
CrossFit is a high intensity, constantly evolving functional training.
CrossFit workouts from other sports applications exudes a multifaceted focus on physical preparation.
They visiting you will become stronger, faster and ištvermingesni. High training intensity level will quickly feel the results.
Want to learn more about CrossFit functional training? Take the free test treniruotei now!
Try the
for free!
Free trial workout for access to Amber CrossFit sports club and under exercising. With this membership you can register for any of the Amber CrossFit workouts.
Registracija į
nemokamą treniruotę
Registruokitės nemokamai treniruotei per klubo Push Press sistemą.
Registracija galioja
vieną savaitę
Prie registracijos metu įvesto el. pašto adreso bus priskiriama 1 savaitės trukmės nemokama klubo narystė. Per šį laikotarpį lauksime jūsų klasėje.
Registracija į
norimą klasę
Naudodamiesi Push Press programėle užsiregistruokite į norimą išbandyti klasę. Registruotis galite į visas klases, bet rekomenduojame rinktis CrossFit.
Atvykimas į klubą
Rekomenduojame atvykti anksčiau, kad spėtumėte persirengti ir apsižvalgyti po salę. Treniruotės prasideda nurodytu laiku ir trunka 1 valandą.