
Running and functional for the sport section of the competition format.


Hyrox is a sport which combines running and functional sports. Hyrox format is designed so that it is accessible to both beginners as pažengusiam athlete.

Hyrox event can participate in both, individually, in teams of 2 people or teams of 4 people. Race results from the 8 kilometres of running, where after each kilometer is the subject of a certain event, of which the sequence remains the same in all Hyrox events around the world.

Training treniruojama endurance, strength, power.

Hyrox events taking place in various world cities, and the format is consistent, so the athletes can easily compare your times with others around the world. Also is a world championship event, where the best from each event compete for the Hyrox world champion title.

Events have a jumping running, triatlono, CrossFit sports and functional sports training elements.It is designed to be challenging but accessible, and an additional attraction – the possibility to measure and keep track of progress using a coherent event structure.

Hyrox event consists of:

1 km jogging
1000 meters from the ski machine
1 km jogging
50 meters sleigh pushing
1 km jogging
50 meters sleigh pulling
1 km jogging
80 meters Burpee with a leap into the distance
1 km jogging
1000 meters with the rowing machine
1 km jogging
200m weights including
1 km jogging
100 meters įtupstai with the bag on his back
1 km jogging
75/100 ball shots at the target

Hyrox is suitable for you
If you regularly bÄ—giojate

If the workouts add in
Strength exercises

If you are ištverminga /s

If you have tried CrosFitt

Hyrox is not only a race


We invite all new members of the Amber CrossFit club to purchase a basic course, which you will take on the principle of personal training.


Intended for those who want to start exercising in group training
3 personal training sessions
Free body composition analysis
Individual training schedule
Goal setting session
Remaining month with Unlimited membership

The fastest way to connect


Intended for those who want to start exercising in group training
3 personal training sessions
Free body composition analysis
Individual training schedule
Goal setting session
Remaining month with Unlimited membership
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