Children and strength workout

Strength workout to children is a sensitive topic among coaches and parents of children. NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) articles about children treniravimą began to publish in 1985. From then until now has passed not one of the tens of years and pre-existing guidance is now changed.

Previously more often were not recommended for children to play sports with weights on injury risk. It was influenced by the difficult access to the proper inventory, lack of knowledge about the movements of the performance of the technique, and adequate supervision of adults lack.

Today we can paneigiame all previous doubts. It should also be noted that other activities such as football, gymnastics, wrestling, etc, have a higher injury risk factor than Weightlifting or other weights shall be carried out exercises.

One of the myths that activity with the extra weight can damage the growth plates and cause a child’s growth is rejected, because there is no medical, and scientific evidence that this happens. Train with the supervision of children not only to become stronger, but improves motor units rekrutavimas, coordination , increases bone density, reduces the percentage of fat by weight.

Recommendations provided by the children’s treniravime are: training with qualified coaches who will provide supervision, communicate safety. It is necessary to constantly emphasize good technique to perform 1 to 3 sets after 6-15 reps force exercise, 1-3 sets of 3-6 reps capacity for exercise, perform the exercises which are intended for belly presui, and back apačiai to strengthen, to try to keep simetriškumą muscle training, and to progress with the weights slowly and in small leaps, as well as highlighting good lifestyle and recovery benefits.

Scientists Pastor, Sanchez, Nieto and Rubia (2023) conducted a recent systematic review of the analysis confirmed the benefits of children treniravime and observes that treniravimasis with additional resistance not only improves the strength ability, but also improves throwing, sprint, jump, agility, and flexibility skills for training with weights.

Amber CrossFit upcoming children training kids being trained fully. CrossFit training methodology includes such disciplines as Gymnastics, athletics, Weightlifting, endurance sports, and various skills with your own body weight or other tools.

Log in to the active and game elements full of sports būrelio, during which children train strength, endurance, gimnastiką and everything, what do you include in CrossFit the sport.

👋 Workouts leads the creative and responsible coaches
👋 Children play sports 2 or 3 times per week optional
👋 6-12 year old children workout happens every day from 15:00
👋 Adolescents (13-17 years) practicing every day from 16:00

You don’t know whether this activity Your child will enjoy? Try a week for FREE!

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