Intestinal microflora
Did you know that the human body kolonizuoja 39 trillions of micro-organisms? Mainly bacteria, from the majority of which live in our digestive tract, in the large intestine, and is commonly known as the intestinal microflora or mikrobiota.
These micro-organisms perform a multitude of human useful features – protects against harmful bacteria poveiko, participates in vitamin B12, biotin and vitamin K2 production, contribute to the digestive process and metabolism of food substances. Intestinal microflora also affects our mood, energy, memory, hormones and even the immune system. When mikrobiota a balanced and varied – we are healthy, in a good mood and have lots of energy, and the emergence of bacterial imbalances, dealing with the increased amount of certain diseases risk as inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome or even cancer development.
In other words, the human physical and emotional health depends on what condition and the composition is our gut mikrobiota. Research shows that the plant diversity of products is the main condition of the gastrointestinal micro-organisms to flourish. As many of the different vegetable products we add to your routine diet diet, the more different good bacteria we need your intestines and the better of them and the body’s activities.
Plant products benefits of diversity in our body
So, why is it that the herbal products are so valuable in our intestinal microflora disturbances? In contrast to the products of animal origin, they are rich in mikrobiotai particularly useful in fiber, prebiotikų and probiotics.
Probiotics are live organisms, called of the good aspects of bacteria. Probiotics are considered as bifidobacteria, laktobakterijos, propionobakterijos and other bacteria found in the human intestine. Naturally probiotics get a can of sauerkraut, cucumbers and other fermented vegetables, korėjietiškų Kimchi cabbage, natural leaven of bread, kombuča and kefyro, cottage cheese, milk and other similar natural products.
Prebiotikai – this vegetable carbohydrate in the human organism are neįsisavina. Prebiotikai is the nutrient of good intestinal bacteria material, helping them to quickly establish themselves in the gut and the creation of a favourable environment for their reproduction. That our good bacteria to sočios, active and happy, it is important to ensure that the daily diet of the missing vegetable, skaidulomis rich food, rich in prebiotikų.
Mikrobiotai especially useful for soluble fibers (t.y. prebiotikų species), which are not digestible in the small intestine than other nutrients. It reaches storąją hose almost intact. There they begin to ferment in a certain type of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This fermentation process produces short-chain fatty acid (TGRR), such as acetate, propionate and butyrate, which has a positive impact on human health.
- A healthy intestinal environment. Short-chain fatty acids serve as energy source for colonic cells, helps regulate the intestinal pH and maintain beneficial intestinal bacteria growth and activity. For example, butyrate is associated with priešuždegiminiu and a protective effect on the colon mucous membranes, may reduce risk of colorectal cancer. TGRR also lowers cholesterol, because regulate its metabolism.
- Mikrobiotos diversity. Diet that rich in soluble fiber, can increase the good gut bacteria abundance and diversity. The more diverse mikrobiota, it is healthier and the more benefit for the same man.
- Immune system regulation. Soluble fibers intestinal bacteria can affect imuniniam response and help maintain immune system balance.
- The sugar content of the regulation of the blood. Soluble fibre can slow down carbohydrate digestion and absorption, which may help regulate blood sugar levels. Also, food that is rich in soluble fiber, usually sotesnis, and this may help to control appetite and manage weight changes.
In summary it can be said that the relationship between soluble fiber and intestinal mikrobiotos is simbiotinis – soluble fibre nourishes your intestinal beneficial bacteria, and in return these bacteria help digest and fermented as soluble fibers, they produce compounds that support intestinal health and overall well-being.
What foods rich in fiber?
Choose whole grains and groats (grikius, barley, guinea groats, quinoa or perlinį kuskusą), beans, lentils, chickpeas, as well as cooked and raw (untreated) colorful vegetables – brokolius, zucchini, kalafijorus, peppers or pumpkin. The day-to-day nutrition diet add the leafy greens, such as spinach or leaf of the cabbage, and parsley, coriander, mint leaves. ‘t forget the garlic, red onion and couples. Add the body skaidulomis while enjoying a variety of fruits, including apples, pears, oranges, bananas and berries as well as nuts and seeds – sunflower, chia seeds, flax sėmenimis, almonds, graikiniais and pekanų nuts.
Week diet diet – 30 different herbal products
Research shows that in order to ensure optimal intestinal and good bacteria activities during the week we should consume 30 different plant products. It can seem very much, but here we are talking not only about us the usual fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, beans, cereals, herbs and spices. There is no certain specified eliminated, i. e how much need to eat these herbal products that would benefits the body – even a tablespoon of sunflower seeds, or a few parsley leaves are calculated to the target of thirty plants per week.
Interesting that the red, green and yellow peppers are calculated as three different vegetables. This is because that different color indicates different type of polifenolius – antioxidant properties with the meaning of materials, workers, different intestinal microbial strains, and so perteikiančias a different positive effects on health. So, try to choose a different color fruit and vegetables!
Tips into your daily diet to include more plant products
- Mash. Excellent dish, which helps to consume more whole and whole grains, for example. If you want a sweet, košę you can produce from oats and flavoured bananu, fresh berries, nut butter, and seeds, and if you want sūriau – buckwheat, barley, or guinea groats topped with žolelėm and fried vegetables and egg is also a very good option.
- Salad. Leaf of the cabbage, rocket, spinach, sultenių or Iceberg salad plate add avinžirniais, lenses or other stuffed with. Insert avokadą, tofu, roasted seeds and nuts with the olive oil, lemon and honey sauce. Apple, pear pieces or pomegranate sėklytės may also be highly flavoured lettuce them by the gift of delicious traškėsio and sweetness. Do not forget and seasonal vegetables – radish, tomato and cucumber, and herbs – dill, parsley and coriander.
- Protein cocktails. This is a great option for people who eat less fruit and vegetables, to your diet to include these plant products groups. The production of the protein shakes, the flavors combinations of the options are basically limitless – start from coconut water, almond, oat or coconut milk, pasaldinkite bananu or berries, and in order to sočiau and still maistingiau – stir in the oats and a tablespoon of chia seeds, flaxseed, nuts, or coconut shavings. Adding a handful of spinach or leaf of the cabbage, the taste of the whole will not feel, but the vitamins, minerals and fibres dose will be guaranteed. You can use or animal origin protein powder, milk whey protein, or vegetable – pea protein izoliatą, brown rice or hemp protein.