The various nutritional and sports supplements buy almost every one of us. But choosing between numerous brands and different shops are sometimes really hard. The coaching staff tasted, tested and approved by ICONFIT – Estonia manufactured supplements for sports and health. Now buy reikiamiausius supplements you will be able to Amber CrossFit club.
Coaches favoritais became Chocolate Reco, Nut butter flavor protein and Crea Shortcut. ✅
Everything you can purchase skenuodami on the packaging of the phone’s barcode scanner. 🛒
Hydrolyzed collagen (300g)

Hydrolyzed collagen is the unique collagen powder made without any of the chemicals with the highest purity. Thousands of our customers have experienced the benefits of using our pure collagen, so ICONFIT collagen is a best-seller in Estonia! Research data, the recommended daily quantity of 10 g of collagen.
Whey protein 80 (various flavors)

Whey protein 80 is made from the well of melting of the highest quality whey protein concentrate. This product is created from the finest raw materials, which are characterized by great tirpumu not gumuliukų and is an excellent mild flavor. A great amino acid profile supports muscle development and recovery after a workout! Does not contain any unnecessary dyes or stabilizers.
Whey protein 90 (variety of flavors)

Whey isolate 90 is a highly concentrated pure whey protein. It contains almost no fat, and carbohydrate, making it perfect for available protein.
CREA Shortcut complex (various flavors)

CREA Shortcut contains all of the food supplements (creatine, BCAAS, energy) needed to achieve the best results in the gym.
RECO forces atstatantis drink (various flavors)

RECO is forces atstatančio drink mix containing protein and carbohydrates in the ratio of 1:1, as well as the 5 % high-quality mikronizuoto creatine. Consume immediately after workout to get a high protein dose, promotes muscle recovery and growth, and carbohydrates, in order atstatytumėte energy levels.
MASS Gainer (various flavors)

This weight priaugimui in the product, created together with the best sports nutrition experts, is everything you need for a muscle to grow. 5 parts of carbohydrates to 1 part protein. Containing 4.8 g mikronizuoto creatine per day
Oat & Whey Pro Gainer (various flavors)

The mass accretion of the product based on a unique three-protein blend! It is rich in carbohydrates and creatine, as well as there are a lot of other beneficial ingredients, which help to gain weight and muscle!
BCAAS 2:1:1 Amino acids (various flavors)

High-quality branched chain amino acids complex with a high amino acid content.
Beta Alanine

Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps the body to produce karnoziną, which helps to increase muscle endurance in high-intensity drills.
Mikronizuotas creatine monohydrate (various flavors)

Pure of the highest quality creatine monohydrate from carefully atrinktųšaltinių. Creatine monohydrate is the most cost-effective dietary supplement if jūsųtikslas – to enhance strength and muscle.
Isotonic (various flavors)

Isotonic is izotoninio sports drink powder, comprised of carbohydrates, electrolytes and several vitamins mixture. These sports drink powder helps to restore the energy and fluid supplies, and pagerindami your performance and endurance during training,. Easily soluble powder, allowing to quickly prepare izotoninį drink.

Pure of the highest quality dextrose! Dextrose increases blood sugar levels and is ideal for those who want to quickly increase the supply of energy. Improves endurance and strength drills.

Pure carbohydrate source. Maltodextrin is designed to complement the physically active people day-to-day carbohydrate content.
Palatinose™ isomaltulose

Energy source with a very low glycemic index (32), the best candidate for endurance sports such as cycling, long-distance bėgimui, etc.
With a full ICONFIT range of products available on your site. Try it, share your feedback and tell us what you would like to see Amber CrossFit shelves. 📩