After the beginning of the new school year, parents often question, what snacks to prepare the children to school, so that students are hearty, energetic, and food they like and, most importantly, to the health of favourable. In this article I will tell you about the importance of nutrition for children, I am healthier alternatives to snacks and I’ll give you some hints how to quickly and easily prepare the child snack boxes.
A healthy diet is a key to growing a child’s health and development. Balanced, fresh and delicious food not only delights the children but also provide them the necessary nutrients, gives energy and helps to build healthy eating habits for life.
What foods to choose?
Select children’s favorite food, and together, discuss what they would like to eat for lunch. Invite children to encourage to try and new products, to discover the unfamiliar tastes and textures. Health friendly snacks should be prepared taking into account the healthy eating pyramid: base should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain products, and as far as the lower part of healthy fats and protein sources.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables is the most skaniausi, accumulated mainly in nutrients and vitamins, and eat them sveikiausia. Eating fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, children receive the body of important nutrients fiber, which ensures a smooth digestion, regular tuštinimąsi and helps maintain a good intestinal mikrobiotos status (to learn more about plant products the importance of our children žarnynui, read on for more below in the article).
Fresh fruits and berries
Apples, pears, plums, nectarines, peaches, mandarins, oranges, figs, raspberries, šilauogės. Tip cut fruits in smaller pieces, choose besėkles grapes, peeled oranges and mandarins, put different colors of fruits and berries, as the children will be much more fun and easier to eat prepared fruit.
The priority should always be to provide fresh fruit and berries, but if sometimes there is no such possibility, a small handful of dried fruit and berry snack box also has its place. It is essential to ensure that the dried fruit and berries would be without the pridėtinio sugar and a preservative, sulphur dioxide/sulphurous. The latter is frequently found in the dried on apricots, ananasuose and coconut gabaliukuose. So it’s best to choose natural dried dates, raisins or mangoes.
Fresh vegetables
Small pomidoriukai, cucumbers, small carrots, peppers, traškių lettuce leaves and other children’s favorite vegetables. May also be steam cooked broccoli or onions, cauliflower with a pinch of salt and a splash of olive oil. If a snack box from a few compartments, next to the vegetables you can serve and humus or gvakamolės (with a splash of lemon juice, because it sutirntas avocado neparuduos and longer remain green in colour).
Dairy products
Hard cheese, Picnic cheese sticks, cottage cheese, curd, buttermilk, unsweetened drinking yogurt, Greek yogurt has many important for the growth and development of necessary materials. Protein and trace elements, calcium and phosphorus, is essential to growing a child’s bones and dantim, as well as the muscles, nervous system work, and metabolic processes. Many protein-containing foods are high in sotesni, so children longer to remain a hearty and will have less urge to snack on sweets.
Sumuštinukai and rolls
To the base, you can choose from full-grain tortiliją or lavašą, rye bread, avižinę duonelę, sourdough bread. Gives the use chickpeas humusą, natural or with greens cottage užtepėlę, grated avokadus with Greek yogurt. From vegetables suitable for crispy lettuce (Iceberg), spinach, gražgarstės, grated carrots, chop cucumbers or tomatoes. From protein products for you to choose the best grade of virtą turkey ham, keptą chicken krūtinėlę, mozzarella or other cheese slices, smoked tofu, salted salmon, cooked eggs. These ingredients purpose: you can as only you want – good carbohydrate, fat and protein ratio will ensure a longer satiety feeling and provide the child a variety of health necessary materials.
Farinaceous products
Corn trapučiai, pitos bread, seed crackers, bread sticks, bagels, full-grain crackers, homemade waffles, cheesecake apkepas or varškėčiai also great for a snack boxes.
Nuts and seeds
It is advisable to choose dry (oil-free) roasted nesūdytus almonds, hazelnuts or cashew nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds. The best choice of nut or seed mixture – so the children will get a larger variety of health-friendly vitamins, minerals and fibre. Healthy fats in nuts and seklose is required for brain development and vitamin absorption. However, it is important to nepadauginti seeds and nuts – snack in the box their is enough about 30g (about 20 almonds/hazelnuts, 15 cashew/choice of nuts).
Drinking water
The healthiest and best choice, and if the child is not very fond of water to drink can be flavoured lemon or orange slices, mint leaves, šviežiom uogom.
It is important to ensure that the child is always with you should gertuvę water. Soft drinks, aerated drinks, especially the sweet, fruit juices should be made to drink as often and as little as possible.
Lunch box
A child’s lunch box should be full of different coloured food. None of the food product neatstos all the appropriate materials, so the more diverse will be the child’s diet, the better will be pleased with the growing body’s nutrient needs.